Friday 26 February 2016

Prejudice "looks like" "sounds like" "feels like"

As a class we are furthering our knowledge and understanding of this month's character ed focus, "untying the knots of prejudice". Today students watched Jane Elliot's activity with her grade 3 class in 1970. Jane informed students that blue eyed people were superior and brown eyed people were inferior. She instructed brown eyed students to wear a collar so the class could tell what coloured eyes someone had from a far. Blue eyed students were instructed to avoid and ignore the inferior brown eyed students. The following day Jane reversed these roles and brown eyed students were the superior group. We discussed themes of empathy, power, and prejudice. Watching this experiment caused students to realize prejudice can formulate around the smallest, slightest difference. Students identified what prejudice and discrimination "looks like" "sounds like" and "feels like". Afterward they were asked to write a response, "What does the opposite of prejudice/discrimination "look like" "sound like" and "feel like"? Two responses will be chosen to be read over announcements next week.

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