Tuesday 1 March 2016

The opposite of prejudice "looks like" "sounds like" "feels like"

Students were asked to reflect on what the opposite of prejudice looks like. This was a great writing exercise as we will be sharing responses on the announcements for primary students trying to wrap their heads around this month's character ed theme. Instead of knowing what not to do, we want to encourage students with what they're already doing to be inclusive and accepting of all. Here are some great student responses:

Beth- I think that the opposite of prejudice is accepting all and not neglecting people. It is letting people into your life who may seem different. I think that it sounds like conversations, laughter and phone numbers being exchanged. It looks like hugging and playing and most of all it feels good.

Nate. W6- The opposite of prejudice is harmony. Harmony is to include others without excluding any.

Graham- It feels good to not judge anybody, it feels like you’re on the good team and not taking advantage of the other people. 

Lillian- The opposite of prejudice looks like people accepting everyone, being kind, wanted and loved. It looks like thoughtful words. People being confident and believing in themselves and thinking positively about other people. No one getting put down or feeling worthless. It feels great and everyone believes in each other.

Ian- The opposite of prejudice looks like you are not hated. It sounds like everybody likes to spend time with you and it feels like you are not alone.

Jackson- What I think the opposite of prejudice is... it sounds like everyone saying nice and thoughtful comments to each other in and out of school. It feels like a warm feeling from inside your heart and somebody giving you a hug. It looks like everyone looking at you and smiling and everyone looking like best friends and they hang out at recess and no one is hurting. 

Paige. B- The opposite of prejudice looks like people accepting and hugging each other, liking them despite how different they may look. It feels like you’re accepted and wanted, it feels like you’re loved and now people engulf you in their arms. It sounds like a soft melody, kids laughing and singing.

Paige. M- I think the opposite of prejudice is all the kids laughing and having fun caring for each other and being accepting of all people. People treating everyone with respect and loving even to strangers. Not judging people for things that make them different and make them who they are like eye colour, skin colour. Things that make them unique and amazing. 

Maite- The opposite of prejudice looks like everyone getting along no matter their differences. It sounds like kind words toward each other and equality everywhere. It looks like people hugging everyone and being accepting toward each other.

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