Wednesday 24 February 2016

Family Transition Place Presentations

We will be starting FTP presentations every Thursday, from March 24th - May 10th. Here is a quick break down of what will be covered.  Content ties in well with our health curriculum. A letter will go home this week if you wish to NOT have your child complete an anonymous survey evaluating the FTP program. 
Power Elementary Sessions
Developmental Asset Domains
Developing Healthy Relationships
Goal: Be able to identify whether a relationship is healthy or unhealthy
Goal: Examine the impact of healthy and unhealthy relationships
Task: Consider ways to deal with unhealthy relationships including resources available to them

Healthy Living Skills

Problem Solving

Cyber Safety

Communication Skills

Mental Health

Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

Creating and Reflecting

Human Development

Relationship and Social Skills

Media Literacy

Self Awareness

Interactions and Interdependence

Identity of Self

Interpersonal Skills
Relationships & Technology & Mental Health
Goal: Explore healthy ways to communicate using social media and communication technology
   Goal: Examine the impact of technology on relationships
   Goal: Learn strategies to protect oneself online
 Task: Understand ways to deal with online harassment
Week 3
Assert Yourself
Goal:  Learn to resolve conflicts in an assertive manner
Goal:  Explore the different styles of communication and the impact they have on relationships
 Task:  Develop assertiveness skills and learn to express oneself in an assertive manner
Managing Emotions
Goal: Recognize triggers and physical signals of emotions
   Goal: Explore healthy emotional regulation strategies
   Goal: Examine the different ways society says males and females should express emotions
Task: Identify the consequences of unhealthy emotional releases
Personal Image
Goal: Identify what impacts an individual’s self-esteem
Goal: Explore and practice the concept of positive self-affirmation
  Goal: Explore the difference between the media’s depiction of personal image and reality
  Task: Provide positive affirmation to each individual student
 Gender Stereotypes
Goal:  Discuss male and female stereotypes in our society
Goal:  Understand the impact of gender stereotypes on individuals and society
Task:  Explore strategies to overcome and reduce stereotypes and their impact on people
Discrimination and Diversity
Goal: Define the term discrimination along with groups that may face it
Goal: Explore the forms discrimination takes as well as the impact it has on individuals
Task: Identify ways to reduce discrimination as well as promote and celebrate diversity
Values & Choices
  Goal: Identify what a personal value is
  Goal: Explore individual/personal values
  Task: Explore how values can impact a person’s choices
  Task: Provide closure to the program and collect evaluation data

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