Friday 19 February 2016

Food Drive

For Random Act of Kindness Day our class decided to lead a school wide Food Drive. Thanks to Nancy Turner, Johnny's pizza willingly donated a pizza party for the winning class. The last day to bring in items will be on the 24th, and the winner will be announced on the 25th. Though our collection has been fruitful so far, the Food Bank's most difficult job is sorting through the many donations they receive. Saying this, on February 25th we will be walking to the Food Bank to help sort our donated items. Pictures of this trip can be found on the blog Friday of next week. Parents, please feel free to checkmark on the permission form, that went home last week, if you are interested in joining us on the 25th. Students should be proud of the work they did for their community. Way to go grade 6/7's. Also sending a thank you to families who brought in donations for the drive.

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