Tuesday 8 March 2016

Slavery is...

During Language and History students have been learning a lot about the history of slavery in the 18th and 19th century. They are working on completing perspective writing pieces about an individual attempting to escape slavery. Students were asked to complete the sentence below. No two students responded the same way, and responses were very powerful. Very thoughtful grade 6/7's.

Slavery is…

Slavery is… very unfair, selfish, and mean. It should have never started
Slavery is… depression
Slavery is… the humiliation of getting whipped in public
Slavery is… excluding others because of their colour
Slavery is… taking someone from their family and forcing them to do your work
Slavery is… trading someone like they are toys all because of their skin colour
Slavery is… a whip that is used as excuse to make white people superior
Slavery is… unfair
Slavery is… not being treated the way you should be
Slavery is… like depression, when you don’t want to go anywhere because they might hurt you
Slavery is… unlawful
Slavery is… like being scared and trying to sleep with someone watching you
Slavery is… grief and sorrows from not seeing family and friends
Slavery is… wrong
Slavery is… people being owned and they have to work all day with no pay
Slavery is… when people are wrongfully treated and treated differently from everyone else
Slavery is… when someone works for you with no pay and nothing in return
Slavery is… a disgrace to all of mankind and is frowned upon
Slavery is… a zoo. It’s taking someone from their family and forcing them to do tricks for someone else’s amusement
Slavery is… terrible and a human is a human, everyone should be treated equally
Slavery is… when someone owns another person and makes them do everything for them
Slavery is… un-human
Slavery is… inhumane
Slavery is… unfair coloured imprisonment
Slavery is… being treated like wild animals even though they have rights
Slavery is… slave owners making the slaves do work they are too lazy to do
Slavery is… people not treated fairly
Slavery is… unfair. No one should have to work for another person without any form of pay
Slavery is… disgusting and utterly disgraceful
Slavery is… something I hate the thought of
Slavery is… disrespectful
Slavery is… where someone gets taken from their family and home against their will and are forced to do hard labour
Slavery is… a bad thing that happens that shouldn’t happen anymore. Everyone should be treated the same
Slavery is… not being treated like a human being

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