Monday 4 January 2016

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a restful, safe winter break. Students will be starting into Geometry with Mrs. B and beginning to work on speeches in Language. Grade 6's are starting a family tree assignment and Grade 7's will continue working on their chosen country assignment. Both grades will be presenting at the end of January. In art, we will be integrating geometry and working on 3D perspective and in gym, we are doing basketball and creating and presenting dances in groups toward the end of Jan.
Agenda Items:
January 7th- Avalon Visit
January 11th- Science test and Playing test
January 14th- X Country Skiing in the AM (8:45 - 11:30) & Feb. 12
*Students should dress in layers and must know their shoe size
January 19th - Geometry Test
January 22nd - PA Day/ No School

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