Saturday 9 January 2016

Grade 6 Social Studies Assignment

While Grade 7's are working away on their chosen country assignment for Geography (outline on the blog posted December 2nd), grade 6's will be completing their family tree. The outline for this assignment is posted below. Grade 6's are expected to have their family tree completed on a bristol board.

Both grades are welcome to bring in a snack for their presentation but this is not necessary and will not contribute to their final mark. Grade 7's can bring a popular food from their country to share with the class, and grade 6's can bring a famous family recipe. Students do not have to try these foods if they do not want to. These presentations will be taking place on January 19th, 20th, and 21st. Students will be given work periods over the next two weeks to complete assignments but work may also be done at home to prepare for presentation day.

Social Studies Assignment: Family Tree
Name: __________________________

Our “Where I’m From” poems before the winter break encouraged us, as a class, to look back at what has impacted our lives and created our identity. Most students found that family is a main contributor to who we are. Each family is unique. We are all different individuals based partially on the family connections we have, past and present. In this assignment, you will be looking further into your past and creating a personal family tree to share with the class.

Students will…

1) Identify different types of connections that exist within his/her family
2) Chart his/her family tree
3) Explain his/her family tree and create a personal legend/key for the family tree

Your job is to work at home, and school, to collect information about your family. Pictures are encouraged to include in your Family Tree. These pictures will be returned back after grading. Make sure to include full names, birth dates, weddings, anniversaries, ancestral flags, family recipes, and heirlooms. Share your ethnic background, or the country or countries your family came from. Any information pertaining to the identity of your family, is worth including! To receive full marks, you are encouraged to gather information up to your great grandparents generation. Examples of different family trees will be shared with you on the drive. Most of the decorating and designing will happen at school and research will happen, more likely, at home.

When it comes time to present, you will share about what you have learned through this assignment and share one personal family story. Grade 7’s will be preparing a slideshow presentation on a country of their choice. They are invited to bring in a popular cultural food depending on the country they have chosen. Grade 6’s are welcome to do the same if they wish, by bringing a family famous recipe. Presentation dates will be assigned later on this month.

Students will receive a level grade for this assignment. This mark will be based on creativity, using class time wisely, research and thought put into the assignment, and written work and oral presentation.

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