Monday 18 April 2016

Every day is earth day!

As Friday is Earth Day, this week's lessons focus on the environment and human relationship to the environment. Students have started watching some of the Nature is Speaking series today and will finish the clips tomorrow, I have posted one below. Today they were asked to choose an aspect of nature they wished to personify and write from the perspective of. April is also poetry month so this helped students work on their poetic and descriptive writing. Students were then asked to draw a picture that represents the aspect of nature they wished to personify. They are moving along in this assignment and I look forward to sharing their insightful and inspiring responses later this week.

Today students also planted beans for themselves and their reading buddies and we calculated the volume of different planters. Later this week, we will be reading about Climate Change and students will calculate their ecological footprint to find out how much land would be needed if everyone were to live like they do. It should be a busy and exciting week!

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