Wednesday 25 November 2015

Book talks

We are always encouraging our students to be reading. This is a large part of our daily 5 as well as silent reading time when students come in from recess. We not only want them reading, we want them enjoying what they're reading. I am working hard to create a classroom library students can look forward to. If there is a book they'd like to read that isn't part of our library- they are welcome to give me a pitch and I will purchase it.

In an attempt to encourage reading at school and home, students will be participating in book talks. Every week I will be selected 2-3 different students to do a presentation (on day 5's). They will be choosing a grade level book and sharing it with the class by answering these questions...

*This will be due and presented on day 5’s, you will share your first three answers with the class.

Name: _______________________________

The book is called ______________________________ and would fit into the genre of __________________________ .
What audience of readers would enjoy this book? __________________________________________________________________
Without spoiling the story, share what the book is about (describing main character, setting, conflict, etc). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tell me one or two ways this book has changed your thinking or taught you something (if this spoils the story, do not share it, but it will be marked)
What do you look for in a good book and what are some signs of a good book? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rating out of 10: /10

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