Monday, 30 November 2015

Math with Mrs. Neal and Ms. Bonter

Just a quick update to let you know we have started working on multiples and factors in math. We have explored prime and composite numbers, as well as divisibility rules. The Grade 7s have started Chapter 1 Factors and Exponents in the Nelson workbook. The Grade 6s are working on Chapter 6 Multiplication and Division which also starts with multiples and factors. The Link for the Nelson website which has some extra practice is here:

Gr 6 :
Gr 7:

With Mrs. B, students are still working on measurement of 2D shapes (and nets). The tests from last week will be going home this week. If incorrect questions are revisited, bonus marks will be given. There will be a retest next Wednesday or Thursday for those students who are interested in raising their mark.

The specific expectations we're working on are posted below:

-uses the appropriate formulae to solve perimeter #1 a, b
-correctly uses units of measurement and can differentiate between precise and estimated measurements #2, 3
-uses the appropriate formulae to find the area of parallelograms, trapezoids, and triangles #5, 6 a, b, c, d, e
- uses appropriate formulae to solve the area of regular & irregular polygons #5 a, f
-uses the appropriate units when converting units of measurement #4 a, b, c
-identifies and correctly applies formulae # 1. a, b, 5, 6. a, b, c, d, e, f, 9
-applies formulae of parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids to solve problems #6b, 6e
-finds missing dimensions of regular polygons when given the area, perimeter, and or other terms #8
-can find the area of complex shapes #5, 6
-work includes formulae, units, and is show in logical order #1, 5, 6. a,b,c,d,e,f, 8, 9
-explains thinking clearly using mathematical vocabulary #7, 8

-explains how two formulae are related #7
-explanation tells whether answer is reasonable #7, 8, 9b
Below are some videos to help with clarification, answering the question WHY we use certain formulas:  - Surface area of a net (3D)

(These are all videos from khan academy)

Friday, 27 November 2015

Brock Parent Night - Grade 7's

Grade 7 families- As per the letter that went home last week, there will be a Brock Information Night in Mr. VanMaren's room December 1st at 6:30pm. Students do not have to attend as they have already received this information in a meeting at school.

A deposit of $135.00 will be due on December, 15th.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Halloween pictures... a little late

When our grade 7's were busy at the Halloween dance, the grade 6's were upstairs painting pumpkins. Here's some photos!

"Hello" with Adele and Jimmy Fallon

For all the Adele/Jimmy Fallon/Music fans... the class loves this song

Book talks

We are always encouraging our students to be reading. This is a large part of our daily 5 as well as silent reading time when students come in from recess. We not only want them reading, we want them enjoying what they're reading. I am working hard to create a classroom library students can look forward to. If there is a book they'd like to read that isn't part of our library- they are welcome to give me a pitch and I will purchase it.

In an attempt to encourage reading at school and home, students will be participating in book talks. Every week I will be selected 2-3 different students to do a presentation (on day 5's). They will be choosing a grade level book and sharing it with the class by answering these questions...

*This will be due and presented on day 5’s, you will share your first three answers with the class.

Name: _______________________________

The book is called ______________________________ and would fit into the genre of __________________________ .
What audience of readers would enjoy this book? __________________________________________________________________
Without spoiling the story, share what the book is about (describing main character, setting, conflict, etc). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tell me one or two ways this book has changed your thinking or taught you something (if this spoils the story, do not share it, but it will be marked)
What do you look for in a good book and what are some signs of a good book? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rating out of 10: /10

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What we're working on lately...

Below is our time table for this year. This will also be sent home in agendas.

Click to enlarge

Language- Right now we are working on our "Where I'm From" poems and participating in Daily 5 (Our class centres include: word work, work on writing, working with the teacher, read to self, read to someone, and listening to reading). We are also doing chapter summaries for our class read aloud book called "Rule of 3".

Math- We have finished data management and are finishing 2D measurement, through group problem solving, centres, and independent tasks. With Mrs. Neal, the class is practicing ordering and comparing decimals.

Geography (7's) and Social Studies (6's) - The class is in the midst of completing their online research assignments. Grade 6's are finishing learning about Africville in Halifax, ON and grade 7's have finished learning about Place and Movement,  and are finishing an Environment and Interaction assignment on the drive. These assignments are overdue now and are to be completed at home by Monday the 30th.

Science - Students are working with Mrs. Neal to finish their flight research assignments.

Technology - On rotary with Ms. Horan.

Art- Students are finishing up decorating their portfolios and we are moving onto monochromatic cropped self portraits next week.

Drama - We have just finished our dramatic readings of pop songs and are working on a readers theatre for our Christmas Carolling school event before Christmas break.

Music - Concert band has started to meet. There will be a Wonderland trip at the end of the year for all who participate.

Gym - We have been working on strategy, team involvement and offence and defence games such as, inside/outside, "can't touch this", fist ball, team handball, mini soccer, and relay races.

*Parents- if you are interested in practice work being sent home, for extra support or tutor support feel free to send me an email and I will send something home in agendas -

Problem-Based Learning

Research emphasizes the value of problem-based learning for extending student thinking and creativity. Multifaceted problems (those that mimic real-life problems and allow a variety of ways to reach a solution) can also be used in the classroom to reveal student misconceptions that traditional tests miss. There is great value in having students demonstrate they know when to use specific procedures by working through problems. Here are some pictures of our class working on group problem solving.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Operation Christmas Child Success

With your help, we were able to fill 6 Operation Christmas Child boxes! A great success as we only set out to fill two as a class. Thank you to all who brought in gifts.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Measurement test tomorrow

Students had the option to take home a study package today at school. We will have 30 minutes of review/preparation for the test. If students have any questions, they can ask during this time.

Grade 6's will be quizzed on...

  • knowing how to calculate the perimeter of a polygon
  • knowing the difference between estimated and precise measurements (38.4 or 38)
  • estimating, measuring, and writing down length and area using the metric measurement system
  • choose and explain why they chose to use a certain metric unit (mm, cm, m)
  • converting units of measurement (9 m and 12 cm = how many cm? how many mm?)
  • knowing the relationship between the area of a rectangle, the area of a parallelogram, and the area of a triangle (In class, we cut a rectangle from one diagonal to the other and found that it became two triangles- we then reconfigured these shapes to make a parallelogram)
  • knowing how to calculate surface area of a net

Grade 7's will be quizzed on...

  • the above and...
  • converting units of measurement

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Daily 5

On day 3, 4, and 5 our class participates in Daily 5. Daily 5 is a series of literacy tasks which students complete daily while the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals.  The Daily 5 is more than a management system or a curriculum framework – it is a structure that will help students develop the daily habits of reading, writing and working with peers that will lead to a lifetime of independent literacy. Here are some photos of our class practicing Daily 5...

Math: Measurement

Yesterday we worked on solving the area of a rectangle, triangle, and parallelogram. Students first made a rectangle, then cut from one corner to the other to make two triangles. We then discussed the reason we divide by 2 when solving for area of a triangle (bXh/2). Students reconfigured their triangles to form a parallelogram. I asked them to solve the area of their new shape. There was an a-ha moment when students realized the area did not change. We went back and edited our definition of what we knew "length" to be.

Reading Buddies

Since the beginning of the year we have been spending our last period of Day 4 with reading buddies in Mrs. McGarry's kindergarten class. The students have been doing an incredible job using expression and keeping the kindies engaged. Here's a few photos of our reading time with the class.


Homework expectations

Dear Parent/Guardian(s):

Greetings from grade 6/7! As the year unfolds, I am writing to update you on our expectations for homework. We believe that students should work hard at school and homework should provide an opportunity to reinforce what they have already learned. Every household has different commitments and homework should not be a source of anxiety for you or your child. The following is an outline of the expectations. Setting some time aside each evening develops the important life skills of discipline, a strong work ethic and a commitment to personal learning.


The single most important activity that your child can engage in for academic success in all subject areas is reading. The expectation is 30 minutes of reading every night. Their progress is tracked at school and I am working hard on my end to provide books that kids want to read and can choose for themselves. Your help in supporting your child to create a reading routine is much appreciated.

Grade 7 Science, Geography, History:

Homework will be assigned periodically and usually on the drive to access at home if needed.

Grade 6 Science & Social Studies:

All projects and assignments will be completed at school. Research, when applicable, may also be done at home.  

I hope that this clarifies things for you. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns and I welcome your feedback.


Math will be completed in class. You will be provided with information about the unit that is being worked on. Periodically, practice sheets according to individual student needs will be sent home. The following websites provide fun and interesting ways to practice math skills: Our class code is 5SFSHP

*Incomplete homework past the due date may be sent home to be completed from time to time.

Ms. Bonter/Mrs. Neal
Grade 6/7 Teacher
Credit Meadows Elementary School  (519) 941-7487

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Operation Christmas Child

As a class we are working on filling two shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. There is NO pressure to bring in items but if students are interested, and want to, that is wonderful!

We are hoping to fill one shoebox for a boy between the ages of 10 - 14 and one for a girl between the ages of 10 - 14. I will be delivering these boxes on Thursday, November 19th.

Gift Suggestions:

Toys and other gifts... such as dolls, soccer balls (with needle and pump), stuffed animals, socks, hair clips, cars, musical instruments, puzzles, jump ropes, etc.

School supplies... such as pencils, pens, crayons, pencil crayons, notebooks, colouring books, etc.

Non-liquid hygiene items... such as toothbrushes, bar soap, washcloths, combs, etc.

We are not allowed to include:
food or candy, toothpaste, used items, breakable items, decks of standard playing cards, items that could leak, melt, or freeze, and items that could harm a child.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Back in business!

Both Mrs. Bonter and Mrs. Neal are looking forward to starting up our classroom blog again. Parents and students can look here for monthly calendars, class updates/due dates, and pictures!

Just today, the grade 6/7 students have entered a Remembrance Day poster contest judged by the Orangeville Lions Club. They could choose to do a poster in colour or in black and white and were marked on originality/creativity, theme and message, and detail and use of space. We will also choose our top 3 posters as a class next week. Below are pictures of each poster! They all did a wonderful job.

Nate. W6




Paige. M6

Lukas. C

Lukas. T

Hailey. R






Haley. D








