Sunday 1 May 2016

Avalon Trip

Just a reminder that our Avalon Trip for May will be this Tuesday afternoon.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Volume Test Prep Questions

Similar questions to these will appear on the 3D measurement test Thursday.

1. A rectangular-prism-shaped toy chest is 2 m by 1 m by 1 m. A shipping crate is packed with 18 of these toy chests. There is no extra space in the crate. What is the volume of the crate?

2. Adventure Park built a new sandbox that is 3m long, 2m wide, and 1m high. Sand for the sandbox costs $4.50 per cubic meter. How much will it cost to completely fill the sandbox with sand?

3. I bought a box from the post office that has a volume of 24 cm3.
Which of the following could be the dimensions of my box?

Select all that apply.

a.) 2cm long, 2cm wide, 6 cm high
b.) 8 cm long, 1 cm wide, 3 cm high
c.) 10 cm long, 4 cm wide, 10 cm high

4. Layla wants to build a wooden box with a volume of 45 cm3. She started with the width of 3 cm and a height of 3 cm. How long should Layla make the box?

Friday 22 April 2016

Ropes Climbing Course Dates

Just a reminder that students will be partaking in the ropes climbing course for gym on Wednesday, April 27th and Monday, May 2nd. They are encouraged to wear proper clothing and footwear if participating.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Earth week Initiatives

Just a reminder that Monday, April 25th is a P.D day. Students also have Independent Novel Studies due on the Tuesday unless they have spoken to me about a later date.

If you are looking for a way to participate in earth day activities, "Make Orangeville Shine" will be happening this Saturday (23rd) from 9am - 12pm at Rotary Park. The Rotary Club and Tim Hortons have partnered together to support this town wide clean up.

Before having gym outside this week, students collected 5 pieces of garbage. In fact, three specific students - Maddie, Veronica, and Kiley, decided to clean up our school yard during our entire gym period. Way to go girls!

For math this week, students were asked to show me three different planters that had a volume of 200cm3, I also asked them to determine which planter would be best for my garden, and why. This was challenging for some groups as they struggled to solve factors of a large number. We worked on breaking down a large number, when we can, into a smaller number (200 - 20) and finding the factors of the smaller number. Then breaking that down into an equation that makes sense for volume (LXWXH). Pictures are included below. There will be a question like this on the test next week, I will provide very similar practice questions on the blog. After math, students planted their own green beans in decomposable containers and during art, painted personal pots for their beans. Students also planted beans for their reading buddies, which will be given to them once they begin to sprout.

Yesterday students calculated their ecological footprints. This is an assessment that tells you how many earths we would need if everyone were to live the same as you do. Our class’s lowest score was 0.13, meaning we would only need roughly 10% of the earth we already have if everyone were to live as this student lives. Our highest score was 8.5, meaning we would need roughly 8 worlds if everyone were to live as this student did. We did some data management work with these findings. Our class average, or mean, was 2.1 earths. Our median was 1.75… and our mode, the most common score, was 1.3, 1.5, and 1.9 earths. Our class is reflecting on how we choose to live our lives in relation to the environment.

Next week, I will share our "Nature is Speaking" pieces, I am very proud of student's work and interest in the environment this week. This is a topic I look forward to continuing to embed in future learning.

Tread lightly on this earth!

Pictures from last Avalon Trip

We will be going to the Avalon on May 3rd to play games, colour, and socialize. We are also going to hand out Mothers Day cards to all residents who are Moms.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Measurement test next week

Next week, we will be reviewing converting measurements, and calculating volume and surface area. Below I have posted some great videos and test practice questions for students struggling with the volume.

Khan Academy has great resources for students struggling to attain certain concepts in math.

Monday 18 April 2016

Every day is earth day!

As Friday is Earth Day, this week's lessons focus on the environment and human relationship to the environment. Students have started watching some of the Nature is Speaking series today and will finish the clips tomorrow, I have posted one below. Today they were asked to choose an aspect of nature they wished to personify and write from the perspective of. April is also poetry month so this helped students work on their poetic and descriptive writing. Students were then asked to draw a picture that represents the aspect of nature they wished to personify. They are moving along in this assignment and I look forward to sharing their insightful and inspiring responses later this week.

Today students also planted beans for themselves and their reading buddies and we calculated the volume of different planters. Later this week, we will be reading about Climate Change and students will calculate their ecological footprint to find out how much land would be needed if everyone were to live like they do. It should be a busy and exciting week!